Thursday, May 24, 2012

End of the year LINKY PARTY

I saw this Linky Party on my friend's new fancy-fun blog The Science Life and had to join in on the fun! Amber from Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher (who I just started following) is hosting a linky party called "Another One Bites the Dust" to wrap up the school year.

The theme of Amber's linky party is The Great and The Not-So-Great. If you want to participate- just read my Greats & Not-So-Greats below and then link up with Amber by clicking the link above. All you need to do is mention three great things about this past year and three not-so-great things about this past year.
And here we go...

The Great
1.Certified to teach in two states... 
I just received my scores on the final test I needed in order to obtain my Virginia 5 year renewable teaching license! This is no small feat a huge deal. I just moved to Virginia from Alabama not even two months ago (right after getting my Alabama license) and had to take two additional tests in order to get my renewable license here!

2. This is a big one...
I graduated this past December with my Masters Degree in Early Childhood/ Elementary Education! I worked my tooshie off and am so happy to have this under my belt. Woo-Hoo!! 

3. Everything happens for a reason...
I just recently started back at my old job, working part-time. It could not have been better timing for me.  They know I am looking for a teaching job and are happy to have me work for them until I find one.  I'm working with such nice people and it has taken so much pressure off me! 

The Not-So-Great 
1. Will teach for fun...
This one kind of corresponds with my third great.  I have applied for a teaching job at thirteen school districts since moving to Virginia in the beginning of April. I have only had one screening interview so far. That went well, but, they have no positions available. I know my classroom is out there waiting for me and I will be ready to make it a Sea of Learning with my Under the Sea theme, when it is time. 

2. Thank you Third Graders!
Thanks to an amazing cooperating teacher and a fantastic group of kids, I had a very positive and rewarding student-teaching experience. Very bummed that I moved to Virginia and was not able to see them once more before the end of the year.

3. Starting over...
After completing my student teaching and graduate studies in Alabama, I made some really great connections with people in the schools in that area. Now that I am in Virginia, I feel like I have to start over and it has not been easy. I know it will all work out... it is just a matter of time.

***Don't forget to link up to Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher***